Monday, January 9, 2012

I couldn't NOT buy it. I know, right?

I just watched Jenny's video about saving on produce.  Ironically, I just snagged a deal on broccoli at BiLo this week.  Broccoli was B1G1.  I mean, really.  Think about it.  When was the last time you saw any fresh fruit or vegetables that were B1G1?  Probably close to never.  So, I went skipping down the aisle on a serious broccoli-seeking mission.  They had bundles of 3 big stalks that counted as "1."  This made each bundle $1.34.  That's incredible.  As much as I would have loved loading up the cart, I am realistic. Man cannot live by broccoli alone.

So now I had the task of coming up with something to do with lots of broccoli.  Time to conjure up some soup!  So, I made a double recipe of Cream of Broccoli.  Plenty for us to have for dinner and put some away in the freezer.
Green gold! 

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble
 So, we made a nice little dinner of fresh broccoli soup and these C.R.A.Z.Y. twice-baked potatoes that I saw Rachael Ray make on her show.  Oh sure, it looks like a heart attack spud, but worth every bacony bite.  I highly recommend you try it out.  I'm sure you can imagine the look on any man's face when you present him with this bacon and potato bombshell!

This hit the spot!
 Now I need to decide what to do with the 2nd bundle of broccoli that I have.  I love the old classic broccoli with cheese sauce, of course.  I am human, afterall.  Chicken and broccoli always work well together.  Quiche.  Simply steamed with lemon.  A tidbit for you:  don't throw out your broccoli stalks.  You can peel them, slice into julienne and add to a stir-fry, eggroll stuffing, vegetable stock, you name it.  They pack just as many vitamins, folate and minerals as the prettier florets.  So, ignore President Bush and eat your broccoli.  Especially when it's B1G1.

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